Thursday, September 13, 2012

LaBelle's Crafts Mascot

So I really love butterflys and the business cards I had printed up for LaBelle's Crafts a few years ago and the Etsy banner I created both have butterflys in them.  I decided that I would like to have a sort of mascot for LaBelle's Crafts so what could be more perfect than a butterfly since I already have that established on a few of my items already.  That way when I am out places I can take photos of my mascot so people can see where I've been.  I thought it would be kind of a cute idea and if I do it and decide that it's not that great I can always stop.

This is how I came to decide what my first project would be.  I found a really cute butterfly pattern on Ravelry (my new favorite site!) and started from there.  To be honest, it's not going the greatest so far.  This is what I had after about half way through the instructions.  

It seemed to start off good but I don't know what happened from there!  I decided that it was too much of a mess and I would have to start again.  I ripped the whole thing out and started over.  This is what I have so far the second time around.

A much better start, I feel.  Most of the time when I do anything I rush so I am going to force myself to take my time on this one so I can do it the second time and not have to make it a third!  I really do like this pattern so I'm not giving up even if it doesn't come out right this time around.  

Here is a link to the pattern on Ravelry if you want to see what the finished product is suppose to look like:

I'll post more photos when I get more done!

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