Sunday, October 28, 2012

Crocheted Beanie

My Favourite Things

Today's project is a simple beanie for 6 to 12 month olds.  I'm sure that the pattern could be adapted for an older child as well or even for an adult.  I like this pattern because it is quick and simple and also very adaptable.  Perfect for winter time and those upcoming Christmas/Hanukkah gifts!  Enjoy!

Crocheted Beanie

This project and/or pattern is not an original from me.  Please refer to the original author for details on selling or distributing the patterns or finished products.  I do not own this pattern and/or website linked to in this post.  Also, I will always specify on my blog which links will be affiliate links.  I promise that I will be upfront and honest about which links can generate me money directly.  Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions.

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